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w/ Print CSS

w/ Print CSS

Magic can be done by using print CSS within your website or web reports

Printing your online media can be a huge asset. Turning your compliant annual report into a print-ready online annual report is a game changer for those companies looking to reduce their environmental footprint.

Being able to have your investors view your reports, and print at their ease is also very convenient for them. They then would be able to select which parts of the report to print while they are viewing, so they only have to keep what they see is important to them, in turn reducing the paper needed to print the entire report.

Print CSS is a magical thing. Many companies are making online marketing tools for their products, which can be turned into marketable print material. For example, say you are an automotive company who has a online car builder for people who are interested in purchasing a car. With print CSS, once the user has built their car, you would be able to print out a breakdown of the details that comes with what the user has built. A picture of the custom car, a detailed breakdown of what has been included, pricing details, contact information for a salesperson and whatever other information that would be useful to the customer.

Another example could be for a restaurant. If you are a company with its own website where you showcase your menu to let people know what you offer and the price of your food before people visit. This would be a great asset for you to have as all people would have to do is to print your website to get your menu. Then all you would need to do is update your CMS that is driving your website should you add an item in the future, or should pricing change for an item. This way your printable menu would update as you update your website. This would reduce the cost of having to update your menu via PDF. This would also save your company money should you have printed menu’s at tables for every time you need to update something, as your printable menus can be updated and printed directly from your website.

The applications are almost endless, as you can even turn your website into a printable marketing material, with different content than what is being displayed on the users screen. You can have coupons available when the user goes to print, while viewing other aspects of your website. This can be a great idea should you not need to print anything on the website, and want to offer something to your customers.

While it does add extra cost to your website to make it printable, it can be worth the extra functionality that you are offering to your customers or investors.

Get in contact with me today to discuss how making an online printable asset could be a game changer for your company.